Database of Zeolite Structures

Framework Type SOF
Reference Material
  Material Name: SU-15    
Chemical Formula:
|(DIPA)4 F4| [Ge23.6Si16.4O80]-SOF
DIPA = C6H15N = diisopropylamine = N-propan-2-ylpropan-2-amine
SMILES: CC(C)NC(C)C   Images:  stick or 
Unit Cell:

 C 1 2/c 1 (# 15)
    a' = 20.5780 Å b' = 12.4010 Å c' = 10.4570 Å  
    α' = 90.000° β' = 104.580° γ' = 90.000°  
Framework Density:
15.5 T/1000 Å3
{[001] 12 4.4 x 9.7 <-> [100] 9 4.3 x 4.8}***
  Sorption (molecular cross section > 3.4Å): 3-dimensional
  Topological (pore opening > 6-ring): 3-dimensional
stable to calcination in a dry atmosphere
  Tang, L., Shi, L., Bonneau, C., Sun, J., Yue, H., Ojuva, A., Lee, B.-L., Kritikos, M., Bell, R.G., Bacsik, Z., Mink, J. and Zou, X.
  "A zeolite family with chiral and achiral structures built from the same building layer"
Nature Mater., 7, 381-385 (2008)
Name and Code derivation:
    StockholmUniversity -fifteen
  SU-15 (one-zero)
Limiting Rings
12-ring viewed along [001]

9-ring viewed along [100]