# Crystallographic Information File for GUS-1
# Reference :
# Plévert, J., Kubota, Y., Honda, T., Okubo, T. and Sugi, Y.
# Chem. Commun., , 2363-2364, (2000)
# CIF downloaded from the IZA-SC Database of Zeolite Structures
# Ch. Baerlocher, L.B. McCusker and D.H. Brouwer
# Database of Zeolite Structures: https://www.iza-structure.org/databases/
_chemical_name_systematic 'GUS-1'

_cell_length_a 16.4206
_cell_length_b 20.054
_cell_length_c 5.0464
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 90
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_formula_units_Z 1

_space_group.name_H-M_ref 'C 2 2 2'
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C 2 2 2'
_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall 'C 2 2'
_space_group.IT_number 21

Si1 Si 0.3074 0.1879 0.478 1.97 1
Si2 Si 0.1818 0.0767 0.527 1.97 1
Si3 Si 0.0937 0.1222 0.016 1.97 1
Si4 Si 0.0964 0.2819 -0.002 1.97 1
O1 O 0.3549 0.1874 0.754 2.37 1
O2 O 0.384 0.2092 0.307 2.37 1
O3 O 0.25 0.25 0.522 2.37 1
O4 O 0.2644 0.117 0.477 2.37 1
O5 O 0.1537 0.0785 0.834 2.37 1
O6 O 0.212 0 0.5 2.37 1
O7 O 0.1151 0.1023 0.317 2.37 1
O8 O 0 0.1006 0 2.37 1
O9 O 0.1021 0.2021 -0.013 2.37 1
O10 O 0 0.297 0 2.37 1
# End of data for GUS-1